Allegheny County Selects ElectSure Learning
On March 30th 2021, Allegheny County, PA, signed a 4 year agreement to work with ElectSure Learning to do the following:
- Convert 100% of their training to an accessible online format
- Provide Allegheny County’s 6500 poll workers access to the ElectSure Learning platform
- Support poll workers in the use of the platform
In late 2019 Allegheny County purchased ES&S’s DS200 and ExpressVote voting systems. It was something the county had been planning for some time, but when the pandemic hit, it became difficult to do even basic training. Because of COVID, Allegheny County was only able to train 30% of its poll workers for November’s Presidential Election.
As of today, May 6th, ElectSure is supporting Allegheny County’s poll workers using the system to prepare for the county’s Municipal Primary Election on May 18th. The platform will provide 8 videos with a short assessment at the end of each lesson. The training takes poll workers about 90 minutes to complete. 3036 poll workers currently have access to the training.
ElectSure’s team will work closely with Allegheny County leadership to define our shared priorities for November’s General Election. These include:
- Growing their accessible training library
- Add assessment capabilities and interactive training content
- Create strategic roles to address in field support
- Integrated poll worker registration process
We look forward to working hard, every day, to show Allegheny County we appreciate their confidence and their business.